One week after signing up for the LA marathon I was still heavily in doubt of my abilities...Ok, so from time to time I am still in doubt. While talking to one of my neighborhood friends the subject of the race came up. (Yes, I magically seem to drop how I'm a runner now into every conversation. It's sick, I know. I just can't seem to stop doing that!) He said "Oh yeah, I saw you out jogging the other day."
Oh snap.
I had to check myself before I wrecked myself.
Now, I don't want to be one of those snooty RUNNERS. You know, the ones that are better than you because they run. They eat perfectly, because they run. They don't ever drink alcohol, because they run. They always wear workout clothes, because they run. Lets keep it real. I'm not better than anyone. I don't eat perfectly. I like to drink from time to time. And I wear workout clothes because I am lazy and they were probably my pajamas. But, I most certainly am NOT a JOGGER!
Why do I get so annoyed when someone calls it jogging? I guess it just seems to imply that what I'm doing is easy. Going out for a jog seems too close to going out for a stroll. That is never the case. Even on my "easy" days which are 3 miles right now I feel like I am kicking my own ass. Every day is a challenge. To the unsuspecting neighbor this may mean nothing. But to me it means everything! I'm sure he saw me running at a rather slow pace up the hill where we live. And he thought oh how nice. She's out for a jog with her kids again. Nope. Sorry buddy. I may have been trucking along at a pace that was closer to walking than running. But, I still consider it running.
So what is a runner? I've given this careful consideration. I believe that if you have enough willpower and discipline to lace up your shoes regularly 3 to 5 times a week and cover a certain amount of miles then you can proudly call yourself a runner. If you try. If you have the desire to improve or work towards something. Maybe there are certain levels of running. A beginner might cover 3-15 miles a week. While elite runners typically cover 100 or more. And everything in between.
Here's a good quiz. Only a runner could pass. Do you own more than one pair of tennis shoes? Did you have to get a special pair of insoles? Did you get them at a specialty store where someone who is WAY too pumped up about running help you? Do you often get up before the sun? Do you eat something called GU? Are your quad muscles sore right now? Are you aware of shin splints? Do you need a special stroller and distractions for your little ones along the way? Do you own a pair of headphones? Have you ever been in a race? Is someone chasing you right now? Do you own non-cotton socks? I feel like this could turn into a "You might be a runner if,..."game. If you answered 2 or more of these with a yes then you are a runner in my opinion. Not. I repeat NOT a jogger. Joggers wouldn't require special socks and GU, right? They wouldn't hobble around after their kids because it was a long run day. Certainly there are hundreds of more questions that could put one into the category of runner. This is good enough for me.
I know this isn't a definition that everyone can live by but it works for me. If I am ever going to get through this training and across that finish line I am going to have to believe it. Live it. Own it. I am a runner....but not in a snooty way, of course. I know I am still not better than anyone.
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