Monday, November 8, 2010

Training Day

This is my new life.  It will be training day everyday, really.  Weather I am running, resting, cross training or just paying attention to what I'm eating.  Let the training begin.  I feel so excited to start.  My adrenaline is pumping.  Today I ran 2 miles and it felt amazing.  I feel like this is the perfect time of year to do something like this.  I'm ready to tackle this big mountain of a goal. Bring it on!

I will be running 4 times a week for pre-determined lengths on set days.  I will cross train once a week and rest the other 2 days.  My mileage will start out at 15 for the first week.  It will get as high as 40 on week 15 of my training (including a 20 mile run, yike-a-rooni!).  Then I will taper off in the remaining 2 weeks before the marathon to give my body some rest.

The training plan that I found is a tried and true method used by an expert by the name of Hal Higdon.  He actually teaches a college course that guides students, mostly first timers, through training and successfully running marathons.  I will not be taking this course for three reasons.  One, I live in Southern California and he teaches in Chicago. Two, even if I lived in Chicago I have 3 kids, a job, and a husband so my time is limited.  Three, why take the class when I can buy the book and sign up for support on his website?  That is exactly what I did.

The book is titled "Marathon, the ultimate training guide." How could I go wrong being guided by a book with a title like that?  I mean it says "ultimate" right there.  This book not only outlines precisely the steps I should be taking (no pun intended).  It also offers motivational stories, quotes, and tools that I will find helpful along the way. By the way, there was a "Marathon Training for Dummies" book. Wow! They make those dummy book for everything! But even I might be beyond that stage.  So I will follow good 'ol Hal's advice.  He has the distinction of having run about 100 marathons himself.  And I feel confident in my ability to follow a program that is so clearly laid out for me.

Off I go into the great abyss.  My life will be even crazier due to the fact that I am taking this on.  Once back at work I will be getting up at 4am at least 4 days a week.  Waking at 7am will be like sleeping in.  Meal plans will be made in advance. Sit ups will be done during our family shows.  I will be endlessly washing the 2 running outfits I have acquired over and over again.  And I will be changing myself.  Most importantly I will be changing the way that I think of myself.  I am a runner.--I NEVER thought I would say that.  Much less write it in a blog.  But, I am a runner.  And in 19 weeks I will be a marathon runner.  All of that while being a Mom, a wife, a friend, a sister and an employee.  Here goes nothing!  Tomorrow's plan is 6 miles.  I guess I'll see how enthusiastic I feel after a run like that!

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