Thursday, March 10, 2011

Count Down

Only 10 days until the marathon.  Insert "Home Alone" like scream with hands on the cheeks here. (AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!)  Ok, so I'm freaking out a little.  The jitters are kicking in a bit. I'm fluctuating between questioning my capabilities and being certain that I have what it takes. I've bitten all of my nails off. I've second guessed my shoe and attire choices. I feel the need to go out and try some crazy new supplement that might give me just a little extra...I don't know what.  I've scoured the LA Marathon website for information about race day like a maniac.

I am consumed with the feeling of uncertainty.  It's not that I don't think I can do it. (Ok, that IS part of it...but a very tiny part.) The uneasiness is due to the fact that anything can happen at this distance, and I don't have a lot of control over the variables.  Will I get enough food and rest the few days before?  Will it be hard to get to the shuttle? Will I get there with plenty of time? What will the weather be like?  How long will it take me to actually cross the starting line?  Will it be so congested that I feel trapped?  Will I feel strong and powerful that day?  Will I have to go to the bathroom a million times?  Will I be able to see my family?  How long will it take me?  Will it be fun?---at all?  There are so many questions that can only be answered on the day.  This is all part of the challenge, especially as a first timer.  It's another reason why not everyone runs marathons.

I find myself wondering how other first time marathoners are coping with the count down.  I've been consuming anything related to marathons and or running.  Books, magazines, movies, web pages, etc.  Today I watched a movie called "Spirit of the Marathon" & bawled like a baby.  My emotional investment for the runners in the film was immediate.  They were where I am right now.  Adrenaline kicked in as I observed their experience.  I'm so glad I watched it when I did, it was so fitting. What a happy accident that I stumbled across the film.

Although I have all of these nerves, doubts, and anxieties....I am ready.  Deep down I am certain I will finish.  I control my reaction to the variables on race day just as I did in training. This is so vital to success. I have done the research and put in the work.  Here I am on the cusp of the single digit countdown sans injury (I just knocked on wood--not taking any chances!) Now I'm tapering (slowly cutting down on mileage to rest the bod before the big day, phew!)...OH! Lightbulb!  Maybe THIS is why I am losing my mind a little....I've read about this!  Ok. I'm good.  This is totally normal. I think.

The bottom line is that I can't wait to see what this experience will bring.  I love how people that have run 26.2 miles always claim it will change your life.  I wonder what this will mean for me....because it's already changed me so much....

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